Once upon a time, car sex was reserved for first-time fingering in the back of your mom’s Honda Civic. It was the place you could hook up with your boyfriend or girlfriend without your parents walking in or your pesky little siblings interrupting you. And even though you might now be an adult with a little more privacy and a door that locks, that doesn’t mean you should eschew the idea of getting it on in your automobile. In fact, certified intimacy and wellness coach at Mindbody, Margo Badzioch, says car sex is one of the hottest—and easiest—ways to mix things up.
“Sex in a car can feel naughty or thrilling,” Badzioch explains. “For some, it might feel a little nostalgic and bring back memories of their younger and hornier [selves]. These thoughts alone might get you a little hot—our brains are great like that.”
Not only does car sex give you the zero fucks vibes of the younger years, but Badzioch says it all comes down to that feeling of freedom and spontaneity hooking up in a car gives you. It’s like those four tires could take you anywhere, literally and sexually. Not to mention the fact that the close quarters can lead to some pretty explosive hookups. “With the closeness it requires due to limited space, you are bound to explore different angles and techniques, maybe discovering some that are new and feel amazing,” Badzioch says.
The best part is that unlike when you were a horny teenager receiving oral sex in your Camry (because that was the only place you could), you’re now fully in control of your sex life. This means you don’t have to race to hit your curfew and you can slowly savor car sex for what it really is: hot AF.
Basically, you owe it to yourself to try car sex as an adult. And if you’re wondering where to get started, we’ve rounded up 21 of the best, expert-backed tips that’ll change the way you view your backseat. Let’s rev those engines, people!
1. First, be careful about getting caught.
Before we dive into all the car sex tips, we have to stress the safety of the situation. You see, there’s this thing called a misdemeanor crime, which can be given to people who are involved in a “lewd act.” (Lewd act = sexing on a main street during the day where other people can easily and visibly see you). This means you’ll want to go somewhere that you can be sure you won’t be seen. Maybe try it in your driveway, in your garage, or in a secluded place when it’s already dark outside.
2. Don't do anything while the car is moving.
Despite what you may have seen in porn, TV shows, or movies, do not endanger yourselves or other people because you want to give your partner road head or cunnilingus. “Under no circumstances should you do anything sexual while the car is moving,” says Candice Smith, founder of sex education company, Two to Tango.
3. Use the parking brake.
Super super important: Make sure your parking brake is secure, your car is off, and you’re not chilling up on a hill. There’s nothing less sexy than being mid-hookup and realizing your car is sliding backward. At best, it'll be awkward and you'll be torn out of the moment and have to scramble to stop the car. At worst, it's extremely dangerous. Use that e-brake, then make sure it's engaged before climbing into the backseat or on your partner.
4. Be spontaneous.
Two things that are really neat about car sex is a) it can be totally random and b) it doesn't involve going back to your house. Why does that matter? Well, Badzioch says this could be really helpful if you're in the early stages of a relationship. "Let’s say you just started seeing someone and things got a little hot on your date. A little quickie in a fully reclined passenger seat can give you a taste of what your partner is about."
Naturally, you'll want to make sure your car is stocked with safe-sex essentials and you're parked somewhere discreet, but this can be a good way to have a little hookup without revealing your address or living situation. That also works if you're in an LTR and simply can't make it back home without ripping each other's clothes off.
5. Put on a show.
If you want to get a little kinky, give your partner a taste of what's to come by sliding into the back seat while they're in front, suggests certified sex therapist Donna Oriowo, owner of AnnodRight therapy. Start touching yourself so that they hear your moans and watch you through the rearview mirror. Obvi you'll only want to do this when the car is in park because there's a zero percent chance they'll be able to concentrate on the road when you're casually pleasuring yourself during passenger duty.
6. Stock up on the essentials.
If car sex could be in your future, Badzioch says it's a good idea to do a little prep work before inviting your date into your bone-mobile. Throw away your trash, vacuum the seats, and get some air freshener going. You'll also want to have sex necessities on hand that'll make the experience (and cleanup) easier and more enjoyable. Be sure to throw a few pillows and blankets in the trunk or backseat, and toss some condoms and wipes in the glove compartment for quick access.
7. Get loud.
Say you live with roommates or in an apartment with thin walls. Chances are having loud, moan-filled sex isn't exactly something you get to do that often. That's why Badzioch suggests using you time in the car to really experiment with your vocals. "If you're parked in the middle of nowhere where you know no one is around, you can go ahead and moan and scream with pleasure as much as you like," she says.
If you're not used to being vocal, this is the perfect time to try it. "[Loud sex] has its benefits, from making you feel more connected to allowing the vibration of sound to travel through the body for increased sensation." She suggests just starting with some audible breathing and going from there, letting any and all moans escape as you feel them.
8. Position yourself comfortably.
The biggest complaint about car sex is that there’s zero space. But even if it’s a tight squeeze for you and your partner, you do have some options. You could move into the back seat, which will probs offer more room and also help hide you from people passing by. You could also recline your seats back as far as they go, says relationship coach Carmel Jones, which will help make your space comfier and more bed-like.
9. Try out car-friendly sex positions.
Part of positioning yourself comfortably is knowing what sex positions work in a car and what sex positions don’t. If you’re starting with oral sex (which is probably the easiest thing to do in a car, BTW), all you have to do is lean over into your partner’s lap.
This is most effective if your partner has a penis, but if your partner has a vulva, you can get into the back seat in a 69 position. If there’s room, you could also move the seats so that the receiver lies down while the person giving oral kneels in the foot space.
When you’re ready for penetrative sex, having the receiving partner on top might be the easiest move. With the penetrating partner in the passenger seat, move the seat all the way back and recline the seat. Get into their lap and go at it cowgirl-style. Then grab on to the headrest for extra leverage.
Reverse cowgirl is also pretty simple too: While in the front, move the seat back as far as it goes and sit face-forward on your partner’s lap so you’re both looking out the front window. Grab onto the steering wheel and use it to help rock your body back and forth.
If you want to try a doggy-style sex position, depending on your heights, you may be able to both fit in the back seat. If not, you could recline the front seat all the way back, lay your stomach on it while facing the back of your car, and let your partner enter you from behind as they crouch on top of you.
More of a spooning sex person? Get into the back seat and move the front seats forward as far as they’ll go. Tell your partner to lie on their side across the back seat with you in front of them so your back is pressed against their chest. If the seat is narrow, keep yourself from falling off by bracing your hands against the seat in front of you.
Finally, if you have an SUV or larger car, Badzioch says there's a good chance you can fold the back seats down completely, giving you a sort of flat, makeshift bed area. Bring some blankets and pillows and use the extra space to your advantage! Pretty much any position goes here, so get creative and enjoy the luxury of having something other than a hand-me-down sedan.
10. Park somewhere you can see the stars.
For obvious reasons, this is your best move legally because if the stars are out = it’s dark outside = you have less of a chance of getting caught. But also, the stars can be your $free.99 way of setting the mood. “Let the stars shine through the sunroof and provide that sexy moonlit glow on your bodies,” Jones says.
11. Use a blanket to cover yourselves.
Most sexual acts can be concealed easily with a blanket on top of you, says Oriowo. Touch each other all over while it “appears” you’re cuddling in your back seat if you’re nervous about getting caught.
You also don’t want to look like you’re doing anything sexual though, regardless of whether you have a blanket or not. If you’re going down on your partner, try to keep the head-bobbing to a minimum because, well, it’s pretty obvious you’re not bobbing for apples in your car.
Basically, if you are careful about your movements and use a blanket, “it’s going to appear pretty innocent from the outside looking in,” says Jones.
12. Masturbate.
Not all car sex has to involve a partner. “Take your favorite sex toy, put on your favorite music and/or (ethical) porn and take the time to enjoy yourself,” suggests sexologist Marla Renee Stewart, author at VelvetLipsSexEd.com. Especially if you just need some alone time away from the parents or roommates.
13. Have lots of lube ready to go.
Chances are you’re going to be trying some interesting positions here, so make sure to have plenty of lube on hand. Avoid spilling it literally everywhere by getting a bottle with a pump top, and think about laying a blanket on the seat to avoid awkward stains.
14. Wear a skirt or dress.
Yes, being naked is hot—but so is not getting arrested. If you’re worried about privacy where you’re parked, a flowy skirt or dress works as a sort of tent to hide your business from curious passersby. Easy access is key.
15. Play with temperature.
Have some fun with your partner by blasting the A/C for a couple of minutes, then switching to heat. You could also turn on the seat warmer while the air conditioner is running. Not only does temperature play add to the surprise factor because they don’t know what’s coming next, but transitioning from hot to cold is extremely erotic too.
16. Get your money’s worth from the sunroof.
Open the sunroof and have your partner sit in the passenger seat. Climb on top facing them, and stand with your feet on either side of their hips. (Thanks to the sunroof, your upper body will be outside.) Let them treat you to oral—and if you’re wearing a skirt or dress, just ditch your underwear and let the material cascade over their head.
17. Listen to an amazing sex playlist.
Music amps up any sort of sex but especially car sex. Because you’re in such a small space, if you crank the volume enough, the whole car will start to thump and vibrate, which can supercharge sensations. It also masks noise, giving you the freedom to get loud if you feel like it. Try listening to music that has beats that match the sex tempo you’re looking for. If you want it hard and fast, any alternative rock should do the trick. If you want something slow and romantic, put on something by The Weeknd.
18. Take advantage of your vehicle’s sexcessories.
All cars come equipped with the perfect bondage accessory: seat belts. Have your partner sit in the passenger seat and then click the belt into place. Order them to lift their hands over their head and use whatever’s around (a scarf, your bikini top, a dog leash, etc.) to bind them to the headrest.
The owner’s manual stashed in your glove compartment can also double as a handy spanker, and you’ll definitely want to take full advantage of those rearview mirrors. Strategically angle them so they’re directed at the action.
19. Awake your inner exhibitionist.
If you’re feeling daring, lie down on the hood of the car, cover your bodies with a big blanket or towel, and get into scissor sex position. That way, if anyone passes by, it’ll look like you’re just making out. But again, be mindful of your surroundings, please!
20. Okay, now get really exhibitionistic.
If you’re positive you won’t get caught, go all out by trying doggy-style sex on the hood. Stand on the ground facing the car, bend over at the waist, and rest your hands on the hood so your partner can enter you from behind. Or get onto the hood on your hands and knees, but lay down a towel or blanket first in case the metal is hot.
Worst-case scenario: Do this in the comfort of your own garage (or a really, really, really good friend’s!), suggests Oriowo. “It’s just as sexy and steamy while reducing your chances of getting caught.”
21. Incorporate some sex toys.
For a super-sexy afternoon, go sex toy shopping. Once you’ve picked out some goodies and checked out, try out your new toys on each other before you even get home. CalExotic’s resident sexologist Jill McDevitt, PhD, suggests parking somewhere private, sitting in your respective seats in the front, and then reaching over to give each other a helping hand.

Taylor is one of the sex and relationship editors who can tell you exactly which vibrators are worth the splurge, why you’re still dreaming about your ex, and tips on how to have the best sex of your life (including what word you should spell with your hips during cowgirl sex)—oh, and you can follow her on Instagram here.
Rachel Varina is a full-time freelance writer covering everything from the best vibrators (the Lelo Sona) to the best TV shows (The Vampire Diaries). She has over 10 years of editorial experience with bylines at Women's Health, Elite Daily, Betches, and more. She lives in Tampa, Florida, but did not feed her husband to tigers. When she's not testing out new sex toys (100+ and counting so far!), she's likely chilling with her dogs or eating buffalo chicken dip. Ideally at the same time. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.