Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:
- August 1: Full Moon in Aquarius
- August 13: Sun in Leo conjunct Venus in Leo
- August 16: New Moon in Leo
- August 22: Venus Retrograde in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus
- August 23: Sun enters Virgo
- August 23: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo
- August 27: Mars enters Libra
- August 30: Full Moon in Pisces
Happy birthday, Virgo! You’re starting the month off in an introspective mood as we wrap up Leo season. This is a time for you to reconnect with your intuition and reconsider your relationship with rest. Once Virgo season hits mid-month, you are the star of the show and you’ll need as much energy as you can muster!
August starts off with a loud Full Moon in Aquarius on August 1. You may be wrapping up a big project or working overtime. This is also a constructive time to ditch an old habit or make an important change to your daily routine. On the same day, Mars in Virgo mingles with Jupiter in Taurus. Conversations can move along quickly, and you may receive some encouraging news about some of your personal pursuits or ambitions.
An important shift in your own belief system can occur on August 6 when the Sun in Leo brushes up against Jupiter in Taurus. Deep conversations can take place and your intuition is accurate. You may also have an urge to take on too much, so make sure you carve out time for rest. On August 9, Venus in Leo meets with Uranus in Taurus, bringing shocking news your way. You may learn about a secret admirer or have a seemingly random run-in with an important person from your past. An important realization arrives on August 13 when the Sun in Leo meets with Venus in Leo at the same point in the sky, marking the halfway point of your personal Venus Retrograde journey. The universe is speaking directly with you today, so pay attention to symbols and dreams.
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You’re in an unpredictable mood on August 15 when the Sun in Leo clashes with Uranus in Taurus. Today, you may need space from others even if you have fun plans with friends or loved ones. Don’t be afraid to ask for your space today. It’s also possible that you experience a shift in your own mindset or subconscious.
The New Moon in Leo on August 16 brings a fresh start for your healing. If there are cycles that are ending, now is the time to move through the closure process. Trust that whatever is ending now is creating space for something new and more aligned. A wave of luck arrives on August 22 when Venus in Leo bumps into Jupiter in Taurus. Today, you can receive some unexpected or lucky news. Someone may be advocating for you or your goals behind the scenes or maybe your BFF or lover booked you a surprise massage. Unwind and relax however that feels best for you today.
On the same day, Mars in Virgo locks eyes with Neptune in Pisces, creating a confusing energy in your important relationships. You may have a desire to step in and save someone, but keep an eye out for self-sacrificing. People’s intentions and offers are confusing today and it’s easy to get swept up in a fantasy and miss red flags.
The Sun enters your sign on August 23, bringing you more energy and attention. It's Virgo season, baby! Happy birthday!!! You’re more radiant than ever and you can feel it in your bones—use it to your advantage! Now is an aligned time to focus on your personal goals and ambitions. On the same day, Mercury Retrograde begins in your sign, causing some misunderstandings and delays. Triple-check meeting times and travel information. You may also be reinventing yourself and your style over the next few weeks.
Mars, the planet of frustration and motivation, enters Libra on August 27. This marks a lively time for your finances. You may be spending more, paying off bills, or applying to new jobs. This is an important time to get precise with your personal financial goals and budget. The month ends with a Full Moon in Pisces on August 30, highlighting your important relationships. You may need to set boundaries with a lover or business collaborator. This is also an aligned time to have the uncomfortable conversations you’ve been avoiding with an important person in your life.
Stephanie is an astrologer, psychic medium, and witch. She's studied the mystical arts for over a decade including the stars, mediumship, palm reading, tarot, curanderismo, and more. She is the author of Seasons of the Zodiac: Love, Magick, and Manifestation Throughout the Astrological Year and host of the podcast Daily Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign. Her work has also appeared in Refinery29, Well + Good, Bustle, among other publications, and she has appeared on the Today Show as an astrology expert and modern mystic.