We’re ready to put you (yes, reader, you) in the hot seat for this episode of Expensive Taste Test. While I know it’s always fun to watch the celebs try out different snacks or guess tap vs. bottled water, allow us to hit you with a remix. Today, you’ll be judging DIAMONDS, because it doesn’t really get fancier than that.
Diamond expert Nicole Wegman sat down with us to provide some 💎 connoisseur guidance through each pair of stones. There are some duos here with major price differences (like…a $50K difference), so these are some legit price points we’re handing you here. If you’re already a noted jewel pro, it’s time to put those skills to work. But if you’ve got room to learn more about the diamond game, congrats, because this episode basically doubles as a crash course in how to identify pricier diamonds. Play along to see if you pass the test!

Annabel Iwegbue is an assistant editor at Cosmopolitan who covers lifestyle, beauty, and astrology. Just, you know, all of the things. Before joining Cosmo, she wrote for Harper's Bazaar, The Knockturnal, and Black Film. You can check out some of Annabel’s work here and also find her on Instagram and Twitter.