11 Extremely Hot Boob Sex Positions to Try ASAP
Because you can both agree on one thing: Your boobs are amazing.

Boob sex positions—*cue “My Humps” by the Black Eyed Peas*—are so much more than the basic “t*tty f*ck” you’re probably envisioning. Don’t get me wrong, peen-between-boobs is great, but there is so much more to boob sex, and you deserve to enjoy it all.
“Boob play is pleasing for everyone involved,” says sex and relationships expert for Mega Pleasure, Charlotte Johnson. “When done correctly and with the right person (as not everyone will love breast play), it can be a brilliant addition to your sex life.”
Think about it: Breasts can be kissed, licked, squeezed, lubed up and massaged and/or lightly bitten. And they’re not just fun—they can also be a crucial part of pleasure. “For some women, breast and nipple play are essential to help them achieve orgasm,” says owner of Femina Physical Therapy, Heather Jeffcoat, DPT. “The breasts and nipples are highly erogenous areas that have been shown to light up the parts of the brain that were previously thought to belong just to the vagina, clitoris and cervix called the genitosensory cortex.” (Which explains how some people can have a nipplegasm—they’re firing up that sexy, sexy genitosenory cortex.)
Don’t know where to start? Go slow. “The nipples (and any other erogenous zones) need to be warmed up, so take your time,” says Johnson. “One person might like to be lightly bitten, but another may find that painful. If you don’t know how to play with them, then the simple way is just to ask your partner,” says Johnson.
Here’s what else you need to know about all things boob sex. (Take notes, trust me.)
You Don’t Have to Have Breasts to Enjoy Nipple Action
Breasts or no breasts, nips are still sensitive erogenous zones! “Regardless of your gender, explore some nipple play. Keep in mind, the only function of nipples in men is to experience pleasure!” says sex expert for Keepler, Niki Davis-Fainbloom.
Your Results May Vary
Experiment to see what you and your partner like. “Some prefer a light graze or tickle when engaging in breast play, and others prefer a rougher touch or bite. The best way to learn the type of play you enjoy is through exploration with clear communication with your partner,” says Davis-Fainbloom.
Boobs Can Be a Visual Turn-On. Embrace It!
If the words “too big” or "too small" have ever crossed your mind, look in the mirror and remind yourself that you’re literally perfect, mkay? No two pairs of boobs (and often, no two boobs period—they’re often sisters, not twins!) were created equal, and that’s the point–everyone’s look different, and they're all beautiful. So don’t let any insecurities get in the way of you (and your partner!) enjoying your tatas. (And if you need some bra recs, here are some for the bigand the small.)
Your Menstrual Cycle Might Impact Sensations
If you menstruate, sensations may vary. “Your breasts will experience pleasure differently depending on your point in your cycle,” says Davis-Fainbloom. “For example, breasts are more sensitive during the fertile window, and after ovulation, they may become fuller and more tender to touch. As a result, you may be craving a type of breast play during ovulation that would feel uncomfortable a few days later.”
Now that you’re caught up on the boob basics, here are some super-hot boob sex positions to try next time you’re ready to give them some well-deserved attention.
Jill Hamilton is a contributor for Cosmopolitan.com and writes the blog In Bed With Married Women.

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