14 Threesome Sex Positions That’ll Fulfill Your Hottest Fantasies
Whether you’re looking to check this experience off your sexual bucket list or a threesome is just another casual Wednesday for ya, you’re gonna wanna try these—trust.

To be honest, the logistics of getting three naked people in a bed are probably trickier than actually getting everyone into position, but if you’re looking for extra crazy sex positions or more classic threesome sex positions to get everyone’s parts optimally placed, we’ve got you covered. (And you. And also you.) We’ll also help you all get into said bed with maximum hotness and minimal weirdness. You’re welcome!
The first step is figuring out what everyone involved in the threesome wants from the encounter. “Making sure all three of you are on the same page is critical,” says sex educator Rebecca Blanton, aka Auntie Vice, co-host of the Fat Chicks on Top
podcast. “Are you and your person bringing in an unknown third person with the expectation you will never interact with that person again? Are you bringing in a friend you both find hot but neither of you want to pursue a romantic connection with? Are you looking for a third who could be a repeat hookup? People who are thirds in a threesome need their emotional and sexual needs considered. Make sure you talk to the third person about what they want out of the night and respect those boundaries.”
“Some partners think they want a threesome, but haven't thought about all the potential feelings that could manifest after,” says sex educator Shani Hart, certified sexuality coach and co-owner of Hart’s Desires. What happens if someone does catch feelings? What about jealousy? And how can you avoid being the Ross Gellar, left out and eating a sadness sandwich by yourself?
There are a few precautions you can take to prepare for your threesome. First and foremost, discuss your safe sex options and talk about STIs, as well as COVID, monkeypox and whatever else is plaguing us. You’re also going to want to talk about using toys beforehand (here are some great ones for a threesome) instead of busting out a super-sized anal plug as a fun surprise in the middle of your human pretzel position. And last but not least, have an exit plan in place should you, at any point, feel uncomfortable or just not into it anymore. (“Grab your clothes off the floor and exit stage left, fast!” recommends Hart.)
If you’re ready to get at it, here are some great threesome positions for an FFM or FFF situation. (And if your group has two people sporting penises, here are specifics for an MMF scenario.)
Jill Hamilton is a contributor for Cosmopolitan.com and writes the blog In Bed With Married Women.

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